Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Life in the Fast Lane!

Life has been very hectic the last couple of months, especially on the work front! Too many new things to learn along with the old work I had! One fire-fighting effort after another! Was talking to a close friend today morning and then later to the big boss and suddenly feel like doing a whole lot of things (not withstanding that I am still struggling to get into any sort of a rhythm or the exponential increase in work load!)...this is one of my classic rambling post as I have just finished some high priority work I had been at since the last 10 days or so! and it is a nice feeling to have :-)

And guess what, just like that don't feel like continuing anymore :-p


Friday, November 02, 2007

The Quake

Well, the other day was home early and was watching TV..surfing thru the channels and ended up watching the Democratic Presidential debate. Poor Ms. Clinton was out-numbered 7 is to 1!! The good part about this country is that you have such debates and people get to know what the candidates are promising to deliver! The part that is similar to India..the candidates were trying to smear each other! But that apart, it was good fun to watch, especially Hillary doing what politicians are best at...not giving an answer to the (awkward) question asked :-D

Anyways, just as it was about to end, Chandu came home and we started discussing politics and the system et al when suddenly the whole house shook. For a second I was like what the heck are people upstairs doing at 8 in the night...when suddenly Chandu screamed.."It's an earthquake..bhaag!! (Run!!)" And we both ran out...barefeet in the cold and saw a lot of other people already standing there...soon our neighbours joined us and the elderly couple were scared that their new home might not be standing any more! As it happens, we started discussing the magnitude..chandu put it at 6...turned out to be a 5.6 (yeah, he does win in Vegas :-D) and past "quake" experiences! This was the third one for me...The first was in Bombay when Bhuj(arnd 2K) was rocked and tremors were felt in Bombay as well...Our entire building shook wildly for a few seconds and then things were back to normal..Luckily for me, though I was in the loo, nothing happened..else....
The next one was in LA in 2K1! That was a minor one and hence don't remember the details...And then experienced a fourth one yesterday...actually was driving so didnt really feel it and came to know only because people from the office were going out! The surprising part was that for at least an hour afterwards, the cell phone network went down! could barely make/receive calls..though the internet seemed to be working fine :-D Chandu was quite shaken up afterwards and hence decided that we should eat outside where we met Chiruda n Chirudi and had the oiliest desi food till date!
Went for a quick dessert and once the nerves were sufficiently calm, returned home!

Net result of this? a slight change in life attitude where by I have decided to stop worrying about the future and live each day as it is the last! Let's see how long can I follow it :-D

- uv.