Saturday, May 09, 2009


I am a subscriber of AWAD and the person who manages it, manages to send words with interesting themes each week and he follows it up with a weekly digest of sorts where he collects interesting reader feedback. This weeks theme was : Forgotten positives and the featured words were:
evitable, wieldy, exorable, gainly, corrigible (spell-check is reporting the first 3 of these words as misspelt words!! :-) )

Reading this week's feedback i came upon this very interesting bit of poetry (no am not becoming a poem lover :-p)

A very Descript Man .... J H Parker

I am such a dolent man,
I eptly work each day;
My acts are all becilic,
I've just ane things to say.

My nerves are strung, my hair is kempt,
I'm gusting and I'm span:
I look with dain on everyone
And am a pudent man.

I travel cognito and make
A delible impression:
I overcome a slight chalance,
With gruntled self-possession.

My dignation would be great
If I should digent be:
I trust my vagance will bring
An astrous life for me.

It is a wonderful piece of work mainly because it uses only positive words! try coming up with a piece which uses only positives and you will hopefully appreciate this as well...:)

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