Saturday, January 23, 2010

Random Ramblings

Visited my blog after ages...was pleasantly surprised to see over 1100 hits :-D And also saw how my enthu has dipped over time...from 36 odd blogs in 2K6 to just 5 in the whole of 2K9! I would like to blame it largely on Facebook, where you can instantly share what is in your mind and exchanging comments back and forth with friends on the topic! :-) Of course, I have been busy with work as well and the Bay area traffic dictating my work hours to a large extent...further making it difficult to blog :-p
And if I really sit to list them out, I could come up with another 100 excuses for not having written anything in a long time (my personal favorite that I use a lot is that I am suffering from a writer's :-D)

So to kick start 2K10, according to me the last year of the first decade of the new millennium, I shall start by sharing this link to privacy on Facebook (courtesy SS) and with a rare resolution to be more regular with blogging this year! :)


1 comment:

Laksh.. said...

good.. please make sure ur a lil more activate this time.. believe me u do have ppl following ur blogs